mynameiscovid-19 Forum
Sporočila na forumih so mnenje posameznika in ne nujno stališče upravljavcev spletnih strani. Upravljalec ni v nobenem primeru odgovoren za vsebino sporočil in datotek, ki jih objavljajo uporabniki na forumu.
Podatki objavljeni na spletnih straneh so namenjeni splošnemu informiranju in ne morejo nadomestiti osebnega obiska pri zdravniku ali drugem ustreznem strokovnjaku. Če menite, da potrebujete strokovno pomoč, se obrnite na osebnega zdravnika ali ustrezno ustanovo.
Preberite si tudi Pogoje uporabe.
The messages on the forums are the opinion of the individual and not necessarily the position of the website operators. The administrator is in no way responsible for the content of messages and files posted by users on the forum.
The user is personally responsible for the content he writes and assumes full liability for it, and is aware of the possibility of passive legitimacy in the event of a dispute or requests from the competent authorities.